Even when you have planned everything in advance, especially on longer journeys, things might not go according to plan and you may suddenly find yourself without a bed to sleep in. Providing for these cases and packing a sleeping bag and mat in advance is a good idea, as this can be your last chance to spend the night in some comfort.
There are numerous shelters, sheds or, for example, a building under construction some-where outside a village that will serve well as an emergency camp. Sometimes you just need to ask a local if you can sleep in their garden gazebo or terrace. Few will reject a pilgrim. Some cottages and hostels will also let you stay overnight if you have your own sleeping bag.
Camping possibilities in the wild are limited. Slovak legislation is clear in this respect and must be complied with.
Slovakia is divided into 5 vast zones with different environmental protection levels. Of these, only zones with protection level 1 and 2 allow unrestricted movement and camping. Outdoor overnighting in areas with a higher protection level (e.g. national parks, national reserves, natural monuments, etc.), is strictly prohibited. However, national parks allow you to sleep at specifically defined places in line with the visitor rules of the park. In these areas you are only allowed to transit between sunrise and sunset and only along marked hiking trails.
We would like to ask pilgrims to always get familiar with the rules valid in the area in which they plan to overnight outdoors, to respect these rules and help to protect our beautiful country.

TIP: Booking accommodation in advance is the best way to avoid having to sleep outdoors.